The Alliance for Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) is a division of ONTRACK Program Resources, Inc., a leading provider of strength-based, culturally responsive consulting and training since 1997.
The primary purpose of the Alliance for CLAS is to increase the abilities of organizations to incorporate cultural and linguistic competence best practices into all aspects of program administration, including policy making, human resource planning and employment practices, outreach/marketing, as well as all aspects of direct service delivery. Cultural competence is the result of of an organizations’s embrace of a defined set of values and principles demonstrating behaviors, attitudes, policies and strategies that enable them to work effectively cross-culturally.
The Alliance for CLAS is designed in accordance with the federal enhanced National CLAS Standards and other best practice cultural competency models in order to improve outcomes among diverse racial, ethnic, linguistic, sexual minority, and other cultural populations.
Contact us today to see how the Alliance for CLAS can assist your organization at (916) 285-1810 or by clicking here.