The CLAS Research Clearinghouse was developed by the Center for Applied Resource Solutions (CARS) in partnership with ONTRACK Program Resources on behalf of the Community Alliance for CLAS. The site includes cultural competency related articles, book citations, and dissertations.

CA-CLAS Focus Group Report (click to view)
“The CA-CLAS focus groups were convened to better understand how well populations that have been historically underserved by AOD services are now being served. The goal of the focus groups is to help AOD providers establish services that respond to the particular ways in which AOD consumers understand, experience, and interpret their needs for substance use prevention, treatment, and recovery services. The intended outcome is the reduction of disparities between cultural groups in AOD service access and completion.”
Key Tools and Resources for Providers:
CLAS Tools and Resources (click to view)
New and Emerging Trends in Cultural Competence (click to view)
AOD Research Community
Community Members/ Stakeholders
Individuals with Emotional/ Mental Disabilities Ethnicity-based Resources
Individuals with Physical Disabilities
Don’t see what you’re looking for? CA-CLAS welcomes suggestions and comments. Click here to give us feedback.
Submit Documents: To be considered for inclusion on this site, please submit research published in the past ten years to Lilyane Glamben at [email protected].
The CLAS Research Clearinghouse is a resource for program directors, policymakers, practitioners, educators, researchers, and others interested in learning more about how to develop, implement, and assess culturally and linguistically appropriate service delivery in the alcohol and other drug context.
You may use the CLAS Research Clearinghouse for your personal or academic research activities. Any other use, including the reproduction, modification, distribution, transmission, republication, display, performance, rehosting, tampering, framing, or embedding of this site or its content or tools, or any commercial use whatsoever of this Web site or its content or its tools, is strictly prohibited without our prior written consent.